Monday, November 2, 2015

They Live 1988: Ideologies Analysis

The movie They Live 1988, is a film based on the domination from one social class to the other. In the movie we see later on that the high class or the people how dominate the city are aliens. Throughout the movie we see some ideologies expressed direct and implicit. Direct ideologies, dominance and subordination for example we see the difference in class were the poor class is growing and they do not have the same human rights than the others.  We see how they are treated and attack when they expressed their feeling and thoughts over the way the society is living. An example is the scene were the priest is talking in a public place and the police came. At first I didn’t notice what we was saying but then I realize he was criticizing the way they were treated.  An implicit ideology is the way the social media play with our mind, which then becomes explicit. It becomes explicit when Nada puts one the sunglasses and see the aliens and the subliminal message throughout the whole city.  Another example of the social media but in this case to make the poor people realize the situation they were living, is when the television is interrupt and we see the guy talking.  Some quotes: “Our spirit is corrupted” “they own us“ “The poor are growing”. Another point presented is that we see what we want to see, if we do not open our mind we cannot see what is really happening around us (fight scene). We cannot move away from the social problems that affect us. This movie is a critic to the political elitist minority group, the aliens represent the high class that want to keep the rest of the people subordinates. This movie presents the extinction of the middle class and the growth of the poor.

I choose multiple images to support my point.

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