Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Ghost in the Shell

Throughout the entire course we have seen different types of technology, android, artificial intelligence and cyborgs that represent the cyberpunk genre. In general all of the film we watch have three things in common, the government and corporations have the power (men’s), the robots are seen has the subordinated class and the seek to know whether they have a soul. The film Ghost in the Shell is no different than the rest of film we’ve seen. I see a lot of resemblance in this film with the film Ex Machina, they both create cyborg, android or A.I with human characteristic and is this case women.  They project women as an object of seduction and pleasure to satisfied their needs and to help them seduce other people as we see in Metropolis. In Ghost in the Shell, Ex Machina and Robocop we see this internal search of whether or not they have a mind of their own. What makes them different than the humans? if they physically look a alike but underneath that artificial skin is all metal, that is why in the movie They Live the people did not know they live among aliens. All of this movie address the issue of Why were they created? To clean the humans mess? In Ghost in the Shell we see a lot of technological gadget as we see in Blade Runner and Johnny Mnemonic, but in these films having technological implants represent a risk for them in the society.

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