Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Stepford Wives 1975: Ideolgies

The movie The Stepford Wives 1975 presents the desire of men to have the perfect women. This movie emphasize on roles establish by the society on how women and men should act. In the film we have Stepford Men's Association which projected men’s as the provider of the family and the ones who make decision over the women’s behavior.  The women’s don’t have a free spirit or a mind of their own. Why? Because men’s think that the duty of women is to be in the house cleaning, taking care of the kids and be a trophy wife to show it to others. That is way Stepford use this real women’s to create a perfect physical copy of them (androids) but with the behavior that the men’s wants in them. In this society women’s job is to be the perfect housewives that they can be and anyone that goes beyond that norm has to be replace. There were two scene that got my attention is that when the new guys in town went to their association “initiation” they came back acting weird, it was like Diz did something to them to. The movie even show the role of racism in the society, when the old lady told Johanna and Bobbie that a black couple has arrive in town. Why she had to do that? It wasn’t a big deal when a white couple arrive in town. In addition the film show the power of a dictator over the mass, because it was one guy controlling the whole town.

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