Thursday, October 29, 2015

Blade Runner: Ideology Analysis

Slavoj Zizek shows in The Pervert’s Guide to an Ideology how a movie can have an ideology or a meaning beyond what is observed in it. Now is we apply this to a specific movie or scene we can have different ideologies. I will be analyzing some ideologies presented in the movie Blade Runner like discrimination and abuse.

The purpose of this movie is to look within our self’s and make us realize what define us as humans. Why we create such great intelligent to do our dirty job? And we say we are the human for me that’s despicable. What distinguishes us over other species is that we have the ability to reason and we use it for the wrong reasons. In this movie they create androids to do the job that no human wants to do they put them in subhuman conditions, why because they are just robots, they don’t matter. The androids are an example of what black people lived when they were slaved. Black people are the same as white people and in this movie the androids looks exactly the same as human they should have the same treatment, not used them and when we don’t need them just throw them out.  I compare it to slaves because movies tend to do social criticism and that's the ideology I see in it. Ideologies are belief and we see thing how we want to see them. This movie is much more than another sci-fi movie because maybe unconsciously it shows us the not too distant future where androids pass as human and we create them for own benefit. Is like having the slave era all over again, the first time ended bad imagine now with all of our technology and guns. Because remember we do not know if robots have conscience and emotions, their behavior can be unpredictable. What makes us human? Are we some kind of technology call human?.....

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