Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The Martian: Bring him home

I will be analyzing some scenes from the movie The Martian. It's a movie that makes us hold on to life.  Throughout the film we can see a lot of long shots and medium shot, so we can see the full scenario and understand what was happening around Watney. Every scene where we see the action from Watney helmet camera can be an example of hand held camera. I notice that every time Sander appear on a scene, his position was always on the center, or in a more powerful position than the others. We can see some nondiegetic elements like the text mentioning the days. They used ellipsis two times, the first was went to take a shower and when he comes back hi is really skinny we know a lot of time has pass but we did not see how much. The second shot is when the team rescue him we see a shot of all of them together and the next shot we see Watney on earth. Sometimes the sound that we can hear is Wantey breath, which represent his desperation and tiredness. The disco music Watney used to hear is an example of diegetic sound, disco music in the film helped eliminate the stress created by the tense situations.

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