Thursday, October 29, 2015

Blade Runner: Ideology Analysis

Slavoj Zizek shows in The Pervert’s Guide to an Ideology how a movie can have an ideology or a meaning beyond what is observed in it. Now is we apply this to a specific movie or scene we can have different ideologies. I will be analyzing some ideologies presented in the movie Blade Runner like discrimination and abuse.

The purpose of this movie is to look within our self’s and make us realize what define us as humans. Why we create such great intelligent to do our dirty job? And we say we are the human for me that’s despicable. What distinguishes us over other species is that we have the ability to reason and we use it for the wrong reasons. In this movie they create androids to do the job that no human wants to do they put them in subhuman conditions, why because they are just robots, they don’t matter. The androids are an example of what black people lived when they were slaved. Black people are the same as white people and in this movie the androids looks exactly the same as human they should have the same treatment, not used them and when we don’t need them just throw them out.  I compare it to slaves because movies tend to do social criticism and that's the ideology I see in it. Ideologies are belief and we see thing how we want to see them. This movie is much more than another sci-fi movie because maybe unconsciously it shows us the not too distant future where androids pass as human and we create them for own benefit. Is like having the slave era all over again, the first time ended bad imagine now with all of our technology and guns. Because remember we do not know if robots have conscience and emotions, their behavior can be unpredictable. What makes us human? Are we some kind of technology call human?.....

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The Martian: Bring him home

I will be analyzing some scenes from the movie The Martian. It's a movie that makes us hold on to life.  Throughout the film we can see a lot of long shots and medium shot, so we can see the full scenario and understand what was happening around Watney. Every scene where we see the action from Watney helmet camera can be an example of hand held camera. I notice that every time Sander appear on a scene, his position was always on the center, or in a more powerful position than the others. We can see some nondiegetic elements like the text mentioning the days. They used ellipsis two times, the first was went to take a shower and when he comes back hi is really skinny we know a lot of time has pass but we did not see how much. The second shot is when the team rescue him we see a shot of all of them together and the next shot we see Watney on earth. Sometimes the sound that we can hear is Wantey breath, which represent his desperation and tiredness. The disco music Watney used to hear is an example of diegetic sound, disco music in the film helped eliminate the stress created by the tense situations.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Blade Runner "1982"

The  movie Blade Runner: Final Cult is a perfect representation of a sci-fi theme film, well we can say is a classic. This film shows how we feel and behave in a dystopian cybernetic world. They represent the wishes of human to create a perfect life or perfect being to do what we want, but still treat them as insignificant machines. The purpose of cyberpunk is to question our lifestyle in relation to why we create and how we use technology.

I decide to include this shot because I can see our self's

By the time the movie was made artificial intelligence and android seem like the next big thing, but now is our daily basis, we are walking robots, we cannot do anything without technology

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

2001 Space Odyssey: Cinematography

In this analysis I will me analyzing the movie 2001 Space Odyssey in terms of his cinematography elements. Throughout the entire movie we can see different types of shot from close up to extra-long shot. But what prevails are the close up and long shot. We can see some close up when the reaction of the characters are important and long shots because is a film based on space and the planets for that reason is necessary to see shots of the entire scenario,although there are some long shot that what is happening in the background is important. 

The picture below is a close up because is extremely important that we pay attention to David reaction, when Hal doesn’t want to let him inside the ship. This shot is an example of a single character point of view because the camera shows us what David is looking at (Hal) then we see David reaction and wait for the response. Is like we are looking through David eyes. The single character doesn’t need to be human when Hal is looking at them is a single point of view because we are seen what he sees.The light in this shot has a low key lighting with fill light, the low key lighting creates the shadow but the fill light eliminates the shadow from his face creating a more dramatic look.

The next two pictures are a representation of a low angle camera shot. The camera is placed looking upward making then ape look powerful. The purpose of this shot is to make us see that the apes got the power and will evolve. If we look at the background and the light we can see how the sky becomes cloudy and grayish creating the mood of empowerment. The next image, is a low angle shot that represent the greatness of evolution by having a contrast of the sun and the moon and the music. The color of this shot looks like more black and white and the source of light comes from the center making the rest of the picture look darker (looks like a halloween light). 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Its all about the act "Metropolis"

I will be talking about the movie Metropolis (1927), we have to set something straight this is a SILENT!! Movie yes silent.  I like the plot of the movie but I was not a fan of the silent thing because I was trying to read their lips. I decide to take some pictures through the entire movie that represents some emotions by their acting that make me realize what was happening.

Let’s start with the workers, every time they appear on screen they were walking looking to the floor making them look inferior and tired. What make me understand most of the plot was the way Freder was acting, his emotions through the entire movie were really intense. His astonishment when he sees Maria (so beautiful)  with the workers children’s. His suffer when there was an accident in the machine and when he thought Maria was bad. The way the workers listen to Maria and act around her make us realize she was a person that had power over the workers minds.  The first time I saw Joh Fredersen I thought he was the man on power by the way he was talking to his employers and movie around in the room. The way Fredersen was acting seems like he did not care about anybody only Freder, because he was going crazy when someone told him that Freder was with the works. Is not a bad movie not having sound makes us pay extra attention to the action and emotions the characters project. 

Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Effect of Sound "Terminator 1984"

I will be analyzing one of the most important part of a movie Sound!, in the movie Terminator 1984In the shot below he is running from the police we can hear when the cops told him to don't move there was no music and when he start running we hear an exciting music that creates tension will they were running.

In the shot above we see that the cop stops because he thinks he lost him and the music stops to because they are not running anymore. 

In the next shot above, we hear a loud sound that only last seconds (maybe 2) and is when he came out of nowhere to attack the police officer. Is like they were trying to create excitement.

In this next shot, when he start running again from the police officers we hear the same music we heard in the first shot. 
In this shot above, when he is in the store hiding from the police and trying to get some clothes. We do hear a tension music on the background but we can hear his breathing to, which seems exhausting. 

In this last shot, he got away from the police there is no music only the background sound (diegetic), the siren of the police car and people walking. I notice that every time he hide from the cops the music stops but when he appear on the shot so does the music.