Wednesday, September 23, 2015

X File "Kill Switch" Analyzing Editing

In this post I will be analyzing some editing form the series X File season 5 episode 11. It is a good episode. 

I am going to start with the dinner scene. For me this whole scene has different kinds of editing, we have a master shot, continuity, the 80 degree rule, etc. But for me shot were the US Marshalls enter the dinner is an ellipsis. Because in this shot were we see the shooting inside the dinner but we do not see what is really happening is separate by time from the shot were we see later on when they are checking all the dead bodies.  We did not see what happened but just assumed they are all dead, because that is the purpose of the shot.  

In this two shot we can see that is an example of a Reverse shot. We have two shots from each character point of view (behind them) while they are having a conversation.The camera switches between the characters so that we can see their response.  

Although this two image are from different place, the first is were “Invisigoth” lives and the second is from the trailer were Mulder gets trap they have something in common. The length of the rhythm in this shot is a little longer than other scene, giving us time to analyze the importance of what we are seeing.

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