Wednesday, August 26, 2015

"12 Monkeys" A journey through time

I will be analyzing some of the content and form of the movie Twelve Monkeys by Terry Gilliam. In my own perception is a movie that require the viewer to pay attention to every detail. At first I was really lost because all of the different images that were going on, if you do not know what is the movie about you could get lost.  Even the smallest detail or the quickest word is important to understand the movie. I think the movie doesn't have different scene most of the time the shots where in the same place, the Psychiatric Clinic or the Travel Instituted. We see some landscape but through the entire movie what we see most are close screen shots (close-ups). Most of the time we are looking directly to the characters face. If the camera spent 1 minute static throughout the film was much. Most of the shots and the scene sequence were really fast. For example in one scene when they were at the Psychiatric Clinic I felt the camera was all over the place, it seems like it was in fast forward, I had to pay attention because the scenes were passing so fast. Most of the movie scenes did not had sequence but I think it was part of the story because it was time travel, one minute James Cole (Bruce Willis) was in some place and then he appear at the travel Institute and then in another place.

P.D. I like Brat Pitt character I think it was great, I enjoy the movie. 

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