Monday, August 31, 2015

"Brazil " 1985

When we think of science fiction movies, we have a widespread stereotype that they are about science and technology gadgets. But at the beginning these films proposed something more important, they were a reaction to the social and economic changes due to the Industrial Revolution, as shown in the book Looking at Movies 3th. In the movie Brazil by Terry Gilliam from 1985 we can see all the basic elements of a Sci-fi movie. First we have a world where the technology is the basic of human been, all of these weird ducts passing through the house. Second we have all of this exaggerated behavior, scene and costume.  Third we have this kind of hero, which in all the movies we have seen so far is not so clear but the all have a motive. In this film we have our protagonist, Sam Lowry trying to fix the problem made by a jammed printer that cost a person’s live. So we can say that he is our hero.  Last and for me most important, we have the corrupt of a society by a totalitarian government, which is the main criticism in the movie. I think is a good movie because is a science fiction movie that represent what we have lived for years. It has a lot of unrealistic and ridiculous event but if we think about it is not so far from what we are becoming, the obsession with plastic surgery, a government trying to control everything and we cannot imagine a life without technology and all kinds of gadgets. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

"12 Monkeys" A journey through time

I will be analyzing some of the content and form of the movie Twelve Monkeys by Terry Gilliam. In my own perception is a movie that require the viewer to pay attention to every detail. At first I was really lost because all of the different images that were going on, if you do not know what is the movie about you could get lost.  Even the smallest detail or the quickest word is important to understand the movie. I think the movie doesn't have different scene most of the time the shots where in the same place, the Psychiatric Clinic or the Travel Instituted. We see some landscape but through the entire movie what we see most are close screen shots (close-ups). Most of the time we are looking directly to the characters face. If the camera spent 1 minute static throughout the film was much. Most of the shots and the scene sequence were really fast. For example in one scene when they were at the Psychiatric Clinic I felt the camera was all over the place, it seems like it was in fast forward, I had to pay attention because the scenes were passing so fast. Most of the movie scenes did not had sequence but I think it was part of the story because it was time travel, one minute James Cole (Bruce Willis) was in some place and then he appear at the travel Institute and then in another place.

P.D. I like Brat Pitt character I think it was great, I enjoy the movie. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Johnny Mnemonic Film vs Story

I will begin by saying that the movie Johnny Mnemonic did not meet the expectations of the short story written by William Gibson but I have to highlight that were both positive and negative. The movie is not exactly what you see in the story but we must understand that not everything written may become a great movie. The book managed to capture my attention more than the film, the reason is because the movie does not have the element of surprise which is presents in the book as a first person view. The story presents more detailed characteristics and thoughts of the characters that we do not see in the movie because we are watching it from the outside not like in the story were Johnny’s thoughts have to be written so that we could understand.

One of the similarities is that they both started with the main part of the story Johnny the tech guy who has the ability to store a big amount of information in his brain. The only difference is that the book is much more explicit, since writing is the tool we use to develop our imagination. Unlike in the movie were they choose to delete or ad details that have the ability to make us see what we were imagining. Like the first scene of the movie is different to how the story starts, for one moment I thought I was watching the wrong movie. I was not surprise that they manage to create this very technical guy in a dark mechanic world that we expected from the story because that was the whole point of it. 

Monday, August 17, 2015

About Me!

Hey! Everybody I am a Psychology student at the University of Puerto Rico Campus of Mayaguez. I took this career because I like to understand and analyze human behavior and emotions. My motto is "Always look straight because the best is yet to come". I like to watch any kind of movies but more specific action and romance movies. This is a little bit about my I hope you enjoy it.